Gabriela Gutierrez
Studio Art // // @gabrielag4129Installation and Performance
We navigate space through our minds and bodies trying to find a place of belonging, a place where our different layers collide. Colliding Spaces is an installation and performance piece that explores the different layers that make up our space and the feeling of struggling to find one absolute place of belonging. The performance follows the routine of two figures looking to reach each other at two different ends of the installation space. These figures struggle to reunite through the fabric stretch that separates them, and when they barely reach each other, they can step back and breach through the layers to reunite. As an immigrant, my experience with feeling out of place increases the longer I feel separated of what I used to call home. I live with the feeling of knowing I am no longer here or there and struggle to reunite my two beings, the one I left in my birthplace and the one I find myself in now. This double consciousness will forever split my being, but I am hopeful to find a space to reunite myself someday.